VeroTech Office 360° view


Thais Milagres de Oliveira

Applications Development Engineer and currently working in the semi-conductor industry. Joined VeroTech in 2022. 


What do you enjoy about working at VeroTech? 

What I find amazing about working at VeroTech, is the tailor made experience offered to each consultant. VeroTech focuses on assisting their consultants to further improve themselves and their qualifications with a vast selection of trainings. With the assistance of a great internal team, we are able to work on projects that most fit our profiles. Last but not least, it has been great to be surrounded by a supportive, open-minded and inclusive team.

What do you like about working as a consultant? 

Consultancy is a unique experience to work in different projects where you can expand your professional capabilities and share the expertise learned from other projects. At the same time, it is a dynamic role where the challenges of new projects stimulate our growth. There are plenty of opportunities to meet new people and to expand our expertise.

What do you enjoy most about your job? 

The variety, challenge, innovations, and opportunity to work with the latest technologies and the focus on a better tomorrow.

For people who never worked in consultancy, why is it interesting to work as a consultant? 

Working as a consultant is a great way to jump start your professional career, by further increasing your professional portfolio and network.

How would you describe VeroTech in 3 words? 

Innovation, caring and inspiring.

Joren Joly 

Electronics consultant at VeroTech since 2023, starting with his second project soon.

Joren Joly

What do you enjoy about working at VeroTech?

VeroTech provides a personalized consulting experience characterized by its tailored approach. Given the company's modest size, clients benefit from direct and intimate interaction with our business managers. Moreover, opportunities for engaging in enjoyable extracurricular activities are available, fostering stronger bonds and enhancing camaraderie among colleagues.

What do you like about working as a consultant?

In a brief span, one acquires a wealth of insights from diverse individuals. Engaging in a multitude of projects across varied environments, offers an extensive spectrum of experiences and learning opportunities.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Engaging in technological endeavors and actively participating in compelling projects that demonstrate innovation and significance.

For people who never worked in consultancy, why is it interesting to work as a consultant?

One gains extensive professional experiences through involvement in diverse locations and projects, each offering unique insights and skill development opportunities.

How would you describe VeroTech in 3 words?

Innovative, dynamic, personal

Georgios Ntaountakis

Junior consultant in Mechanics, started at VeroTech in 2022 and currently working as a CAD design engineer.

Georgios Ntaountakis

What do you enjoy about working at VeroTech?

The highest level of value in VeroTech can be found in its people. This was obvious to me from the first handshake and has so far been proved again and again, in every interaction. Since day one, I've been struck by how everyone rallies together to support each other's professional growth. It's not just about the work; it's about the camaraderie and the shared passion for tackling Belgium's most cutting-edge projects. From office banter to unforgettable events, every moment reinforces why I feel so fortunate to be part of this team.

What do you like about working as a consultant?

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a consultant is the invaluable insight you gain into various industries across Belgium. Each meeting with VeroTech colleagues offers a glimpse into different corporate landscapes, empowering you to make informed decisions about your career trajectory. When it's time to pivot, this insider perspective becomes your compass for navigating the professional landscape with confidence.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The opportunity to work alongside state-of-the-art test systems and actively drive the technological progress of transmission and drivetrain systems is endlessly fascinating. Balancing desk work with hands-on projects helps you build a holistic engineering personality and there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of observing your product come to life and push for groundbreaking automotive technologies.

For people who never worked in consultancy, why is it interesting to work as a consultant?

Working for a consultancy company provides the great advantage of being able to benefit from the client network it has built, together with a lot of expertise being shared between colleagues. With already one foot inside the client's company, you have a head start while applying for a position and the road has been partially paved for you.

How would you describe VeroTech in 3 words?

Solidarity, nurturing, empowering

Simay Senol

Junior consultant in Mechatronics, joined VeroTech since December 2022

Simay Senol

What do you enjoy about working at VeroTech?

One of the most enjoyable parts of working at VeroTech for me is the welcoming nature of the company. The company creates an environment that allows us to establish good relationships with our colleagues. The team building events give us the chance to know our peers better, even though we do not work together day-to-day. In addition, through the wide-variety of trainings VeroTech offered, we get to improve and equip ourselves with necessary tools to be better consultants.

What do you like about working as a consultant?

What drew me to consultancy is the access to several industries and projects. It allows interacting with a wide network which brings forth a large source for growth in personal relations and technical skills. Meanwhile, there is the support of our consultancy behind us, who brings their expertise in the field as a guiding hand.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

While I was studying, I looked forward to working in research and development as a problem solver. R&D provides a dynamic environment for self-development in our area of expertise. My current project establishes a good balance between critical thinking and hands-on actions, and this is certainly the most enjoyable part of my job.

For people who never worked in consultancy, why is it interesting to work as a consultant?

As a graduate still discovering the industry, I believe that consultancy provides opportunities for testing yourself in several areas. Due to my interests in multiple industries and roles within, I find consultancy to be the gateway to various opportunities in the future. It offers enriched experience, skills and vision within projects and applications.

How would you describe VeroTech in 3 words?

Inclusive, supportive, motivating

Bert Bielen

Senior consultant Mechanica, currently working on 2nd project for VeroTech. He has been working at VeroTech since December 2020.

Bert Bielen, senior consultant Mechanica

What do you enjoy about working at VeroTech?

VeroTech lives up to its company value of "people". Working as a consultant, you won't see your VeroTech colleagues very often and VeroTech succeeds in making up for that. The ample opportunities to meet up with them, whether it be a teambuilding, training, family day or the yearly party, always result in great moments with a lot of fun and catching up with each other.

What do you like about working as a consultant?

The regular meetings with your VeroTech colleagues help you to get an inside view into several major companies within Belgium. When the moment is there to change project or position, that inside view is of great value to make a well based decision on where to continue your career.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I currently work as a Validation engineer at Punch Powertrain, a major player in automotive transmission and drivetrain systems. The vast Test Center of Punch is well equipped with state-of-the-art test systems like powertrain test benches, component test rigs and chassis dynos. Working in/on/under/next to... cars is something that greatly triggers my interest and enthusiasm. Besides that, the variation between desk and hands-on work this job offers, is crucial to me. Some days, I come home with my target of 10.000 daily steps already achieved!

For people who never worked in consultancy, why is it interesting to work as a consultant?

Many people start their professional career without having a clear plan in which direction to go. Working for a consultancy company provides the great advantage of being able to benefit from the client network it has built, together with a lot of experience and expertise being shared between colleagues. With already one foot inside a client company, you have a head start while applying for a position. Like the road has been partially paved for you.

How would you describe VeroTech in 3 words?

People-oriented, approachable, informal yet professional

Salvator Palermo

Project Manager for Electronics Projects; works since November in space.

Salvator Palermo, Project Manager for Electronics Project

What do you enjoy about working at VeroTech?

Even though I work in the client's office, VeroTech makes me feel part of the team. It is not obvious. I also really appreciate the organization of both recreational and professional events.

What do you like about working as a consultant?

The opportunity to deal with different working contexts. To have the support of a flexible and rapid company with streamlined procedures compared to large groups. The opportunity to bring my know-how and to learn from every experience. Exchanges with other consultants.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I feel satisfied with my role and the projects I'll be working on in the coming months. I must say that, for a PM, having the opportunity to work on a project from scratch is challenging and exciting (and not always obvious, since it often happens that you have to resume projects already in progress). Furthermore, the working environment is friendly and competent.

For people who never worked in consultancy, why is it interesting to work as a consultant?

The consultancy allows you to have contacts with different working realities, feeling reassured by working for a company that has your professional growth as its objective.

How would you describe VeroTech in 3 words?

Young, dynamic, out of the box

Gilles Dewilde

Junior consultant Electronics since December 2022.

Gilles Dewilde, junior consultant Electronics since December 2022

What do you enjoy about working at VeroTech?

I feel like there is a personal connection between the internal team (HR, business managers...) and consultants, this makes me feel comfortable to ask questions or express my needs. There are also regular fun activites where you get to meet other consultants and share experiences.

What do you like about working as a consultant?

When graduating, I had only a rough idea about what kind of work I wanted to do. As a consultant, I get the security of trying out different projects whithout having to switch companies myself. I am discovering my work preferences at my project, but also by talking to people at Verotech. The business managers guide me towards a project that fits me.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Working in the space industry is super interesting. The idea that some electronics that I worked on will end up in space some day is just amazing.

For people who never worked in consultancy, why is it interesting to work as a consultant?

For me this is a bit the same as question 2, I have only worked as a consultant so I can't really make the comparison...

How would you describe VeroTech in 3 words?

Fun, community, care

Bhanu Jadav

Senior consultant electronics, working in the medical sector.

Bhanu Jadav, senior consultant electronics

What do you enjoy about working at VeroTech?

As a consultant at VeroTech, I enjoy the working environment along with different team building activities. I like VeroTech's supportive and collaborative culture. As a consultant, I have the freedom and responsibility to shape my own career path and contribute to the growth and success of the company. It's exciting to be part of a dynamic and innovative organization that values its employees and clients.

What do you like about working as a consultant?

I like the possibility to work on different projects/domain/technologies/with different peoples. It keeps my job interesting, challenging, and allows me to continuously learn and grow.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy using my expertise and knowledge to solve complex problems and help clients achieve their goals. It's rewarding to see the impact of my work and the value that I can bring to their business.

For people who never worked in consultancy, why is it interesting to work as a consultant?

As a consultant you have the possibility to work on different projects and hence develop different skills which helps to develop and grow personally and professionally.

How would you describe VeroTech in 3 words?

Innovative, supportive, client focused

Ellen Anthonissen

Mechatronics consultant, has been working within VeroTech for 1 year and is now doing her 2nd project.

Ellen Anthonissen, Mechatronics consultant

What do you enjoy about working at VeroTech?

While working at VeroTech you meet a lot of ambitious engineers, which is very inspiring.

What do you like about working as a consultant?

As a consultant you get the chance to try out different projects. This way you can explore what your interests are, while gaining a lot of valuable experience.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I enjoy the technical challenge and the opportunities for growth.

For people who never worked in consultancy, why is it interesting to work as a consultant?

There are different types of consultancy. At VeroTech the projects are longer than the average consultancy project. It is interesting as VeroTech supports you in finding the job that you need at this moment, and keeps supporting you once this changes.

How would you describe VeroTech in 3 words?

Supportive, personal, connecting